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400 Paar Meaning In English

PM Modi's 400-Par Slogan: A Symbol of Unity and Empowerment?

The Meaning Behind the Slogan

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "Abki Baar 400 Paar" (This Time Surpassing 400) slogan has sparked both excitement and debate. Panned by some as a mere political ploy, the slogan has also been hailed by others as a rallying cry for social and economic progress.

The "400" in the slogan refers to the number of seats that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) aims to win in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. It signifies the party's ambition to secure a landslide victory and form a strong government.

Modi's Assurance

When asked about his confidence in the NDA's capability to achieve the 400-plus target, Prime Minister Modi expressed assurance. He stated that the party was working hard to connect with voters and address their concerns.

Addressing the Critics

Critics of the slogan argue that it is based on unrealistic expectations and overlooks the challenges that the BJP faces. They point to the party's recent setbacks in state elections and the emergence of strong opposition alliances.

A Rallying Point for Social Groups

Beyond its political significance, the "400-Par" slogan has also resonated with various social groups. It has been seen as a symbol of unity and empowerment, particularly for Other Backward Classes (OBCs), Scheduled Castes (SCs), and Scheduled Tribes (STs).

Reframing the Slogan

In an exclusive interview with India Today TV, Prime Minister Modi reframed the 400-plus target as a shield for these marginalized groups. He emphasized that the BJP's victory would ensure their rights and aspirations are protected.


While the "Abki Baar 400 Paar" slogan has generated controversy, it has also captured the imagination of the public. Whether it translates into political success for the BJP remains to be seen, but its symbolism has undoubtedly resonated with a significant portion of the electorate.
